Galileo said: "measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not", demonstrating the importance of being able to set parameters for even the most complex concepts and convey information in a synthetic, clear, and standardized way.
The VIVA Program, through the analysis of indicators developed in accordance with the main international standards and norms, is focused on the importance of the measurement of sustainability. The goal is to give substance and strength to the declarations made in this area, because often when it comes to sustainability, due to the complexity of concepts that this word contains, it is easy to get lost in generic and smoky statements.
The VIVA Program measures the sustainability performances of companies and products through the calculation of four indicators: AIR, WATER, VINEYARD and TERRITORY, identified as the most representative factors in the wine production. For the analysis of each indicator, technical Specifications and calculation softwares have been set up in order to ensure the standardization of the process and the comparison of the impacts over the time.
The measurement of sustainability performances represents the concrete starting point for implementing effective continuous improvement actions in the view of an increasingly sustainable viticulture.

The AIR indicator expresses the impact that the production of a specific product (CFP- Carbon Footprint of Products) and/or general company activities (GHGI – Greenhouse Gas Inventory) have on climate change.
The WATER indicator deals with the consumption of fresh water which takes into account the water consumed and polluted in the vineyard and in the cellar for the production of wine.
The VINEYARD indicator takes into consideration the agronomic management practices of the vineyard and in particular evaluates the use of crop protection products.
The TERRITORY indicator relates to the landscape drawn by the cultivation of the vine as an object of protection and sometimes a world heritage site.