The AIR indicator expresses the impact that the production of a specific product (CFP -= Carbon Footprint of a Products) and/or the set of company activities (GHGI -= Greenhouse Gas Inventory) have on climate change.
FOCAL POINT: Matteo Malorgio
The Climate Footprint of Products (CFP): is a life cycle analysis referred to a 0.75 liter bottle. The life cycle of the wine bottle includes five phases: vineyard management; packaging production and transportation; transformation of grapes into wine and bottling; distribution of bottles; use of the product and disposal (respectively called vineyard, packaging, cellar, distribution and consumption).
This analysis gives the producer and the consumer the opportunity to understand which processes, included in the life cycle of a product, have the greatest influence on climate change, giving the producer the opportunity to improve them by reducing their impacts over time.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI): it is an analysis related to the company carried out through the elaboration of an inventory of climate-altering emissions that expresses the total emissions generated by company activities and allows producers to identify the areas of intervention in order to reduce the impact on the climate. The analysis includes the identification of direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with the organization’s activities and divided into six categories, in line with the provisions of ISO 14064-1:2018: category 1: direct GHG emissions; category 2: indirect GHG emissions from imported energy; category 3: indirect GHG emissions from transportation; category 4: indirect GHG emissions from products used by the organization; category 5: indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of the organisation’s products (not considered in the VIVA Program because beyond its scope and limits); category 6. indirect GHG emissions from other sources.
The main standards taken as a reference are ISO 14067:2018 for the quantification of the product Carbon Footprint and ISO 14064-1:2018 for the quantification of the organisation’s Greenhouse Gas emissions.